Sunday, March 24, 2013

And We're Driving

It was around 1:00 am before we stopped again in Frederick, MD at a Hampton Inn. It was a pretty restless night sleeping in a queen bed with Chris & Leah. You all should know that Leah loves to move around in bed a lot. I nearly fell off the bed a few times. I believe Chris said he did fall off. Then he decided to sleep in the chair. Nice move.

Breakfast was served until 10:00 am. We skipped the runny oatmeal but Leah enjoyed the hard boiled egg. Chris wanted more sausage patties. I doubt the 3 on his plate was enough.

So now we're back on the road. Chris will have to listen to the Buckeyes game on the radio. We'll try to check in at the hotel &/or go to a place with the games on tv. Maybe we'll catch the last half of the game.

Time for candy crush for a bit while Leah works on a hidden puzzle with grandma.

Leaving for DC

We left for DC (finally) around 5:00 pm. We had to stop & pick up a prescription & get gas. Then we hit the highway! Well we did end up stopping at speedway for snacks, & then we hit the highway.

Driving, driving, driving…

We stopped for a late dinner around 8:00 pm at a Bob Evans in West Virginia. Ah, coffee & food… After a quick pit stop for more caffeine & snacks, we headed out again.

Driving, driving, driving…

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sloppy Joe Casserole

Leah's friend may not have loved it, but I thought my sloppy joe casserole was dee-lish!

Here's the recipe for my Twitter friends & anyone & everyone else:

1.5 lbs ground beef
1 can sloppy joe sauce (15.5 oz)
8 oz shredded cheddar cheese
2 cups Bisquick
2 eggs
1 cup milk

1. Brown ground beef.
2. Drain grease & mix in sloppy joe sauce.
3. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
4. Spray 13x9 casserole dish & spoon in ground beef mixture. Top with cheddar cheese.
5. Mix Bisquick with eggs & milk. Pour on top of cheddar cheese/ground beef.
6. Bake for 25 minutes, & then enjoy!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What's a meatball?

So we're driving to the grocery & people seem to be driving without regard to the dozens of other cars out here at this time of day. Chris & I about had a heart attack when someone tried to pull out from the street next to Drug Mart in between a mile long length of stopped cars waiting to turn left at Old State & Polaris. ok, maybe it wasn't a mile long, but you know how it gets at this time of day on that road (if you live around here)! Anyway, Leah wondered why we were a bit anxious so we told her that people were driving crazy. Then we drive down Polaris toward the bridge that turns into Powell Rd. "People!" That's what Chris yelled as some black SUV made a left turn in front of us. I noticed that person was talking on the phone, so he/she must have been too busy multitasking to wait to turn left when there was less traffic! "What's a meatball?" asked Leah. Huh? Chris was confused. I started laughing though! She thought Chris said something about a meatball instead of people! I found that funny. Yep, the little girl who has to know about every single little thing that goes on around her sometimes doesn't pay close enough attention to hear "people" instead of "meatball."

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mama Bird

Mama bird was sitting in the nest a short while ago until she saw or heard me at the window watching her. She started flying around to different areas on the deck. She was on the railing, on the patio furniture, on the patio bench, on the stools, etc.

Leah's Baptism

It's been a few weeks, but I am finally sharing pictures from Leah's baptism.  Pastor Lynette volunteered to tie Leah's bow after it came out.  She was very sweet!  Leah's cousins even came to see her!  It was a good day.

Baptism Photos

Thursday, April 19, 2012


It's homemade salsa time!  Leah & I bought the ingredients at the grocery store this past weekend.  It sounded delicious tonight, so we made some after our egg salad dinners.  Leah insisted on putting the tortilla chips in the salsa before I could take the picture.  It's as good as it looks!

Here's the basic recipe...

1 large can of diced tomatoes
1 small can of diced tomatoes with chile peppers (we used mild this time)
Red onion (I probably cut a little over 1/2 of the onion)
Garlic (I used the refrigerated garlic in a little jar--probably about 5-6 teaspoons.)
Kosher salt (lots & lots--well, enough to taste just the right amount of saltiness)
Green onions (4 pieces out of the bunch)
Chile powder (just a dash)

Stir it all up & enjoy!  It's actually better when it's refrigerated for awhile.  I also added some dried cilantro, but next time I'll use the real stuff.  Let us know if you try it!

3 Little Baby Eggs in a Nest

I think it was a week or so ago when Chris noticed a bird nest right outside the back door.  We took a look & noticed that mama bird had indeed starting building a little home on top of the light next to the back door.  We thought maybe it was a cardinal, but then we noticed mama robin flying around the deck & trees.  After seeing the mama fly off, we snuck a peek in the nest.  Chris got up on the step ladder & saw that she had dug out a cozy hole for her babies in the nest.  That was earlier this week, but there weren't any eggs yet.

Tonight, Leah & I ventured a look in the nest after Charlie did his business.  I had to get the step ladder & look up with tippy toes... Ah ha!  We now have little baby birdie eggs!  I thought there were 2, but then I was able to take a picture with my phone & realized there were 3 eggs.  Leah & I talked about how we can't touch the eggs.

We're super excited!!  We hope the eggs are nice & cozy & warm!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Leah's Baptism Photo

Here is one of many photos we took of Leah after her baptism last month. She was so super excited! I know she was excited to let God into her life officially, but she was also excited about getting to wear this beautiful white dress!! She looked so adorable!! She looked so grown up!! I thought about having a baptism dress made out of my wedding dress for Leah, but I thought about it way too late. Darn! I can always save that for another occasion. Anyway, we were all very proud of Leah!